12 мар 2025 г. 06:39:01
Антимафия — мы все про вас знаем!

Mykhailo Romanenko

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Elusive beneficiaries of Mandato Financial Services GmbH: who is behind the dubious schemes of the scammers?
Mandato Financial Services GmbH – a Swiss payment services company that specializes in non-cash payment operations, including electronic transfers and payment methods such as credit cards.
Babenko’s fraudulent schemes: how he deceived investors worldwide
Fraudsters Nazar Babenko and Ihor Kotov will soon face a choice of prison.
Назар Бабенко: как мошенник замаскировал финансовую пирамиду под легальный бизнес
Аферисты Назар Бабенко и Игорь Котов вскоре могут оказаться перед выбором тюремного заключения.
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